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A Good Enough Mom

I never want to come across as having it all together.

Because the honest truth is, I do not.

No one is doing it all. And if they claim to, then they are either lying, have a lot of help, or forgot how hard it is raising tiny humans. I don’t share too often the tough parts. I’m a sensitive person and always have been. I don’t like to be criticized or challenged.

Sure, I’ve grown a lot in this role of special needs parenting. But I’m a people-pleaser by nature, the peacekeeper so to speak. The internet is cruel. And having people go after my kids would break my heart. My skin is far too thin for that.

I can sit and chew on something forever. In fact, I can make up things in my mind that keep me up at night. I don’t need strangers adding to those thoughts.

The truth is, I struggle with a lot of things. Getting out of bed is hard some days. Often there is some type of science experiment growing in our bathroom. My kids don’t always have a vegetable with dinner. And donuts are often breakfast.

On the days the boys are home, teeth do not get brushed. And showers, well those are optional too. I cannot remember the last time I washed our sheets. I put together the boys’ classroom valentines this year because I didn’t have the energy to sit with them while they completed them. Their boxes for school, nothing fancy, just gift bags with stickers.


I don’t have the perfect life. Or the perfect marriage. And my kids are far from perfect! Though I know some may think they are! I’m practically imperfect in so many ways.

So please never think I have it all together. I just show you a small sliver of our life. I’m sitting in the trenches with you. The heavily caffeinated, hair a mess, running to the bus stop in my pajamas Mama.

The Mama just trying to do my best. A good enough Mom, that’s what I call myself.

Written by Alison Kacer of Pencils4Lucas

The post A Good Enough Mom appeared first on Finding Cooper's Voice | Welcome to the Secret World of Autism.

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