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Blue Pumpkins Define Inclusion on Halloween

What’s the meaning behind blue pumpkins on Halloween, and why do we think it’s so amazing!

If you are trick or treating this Halloween and notice blue or teal pumpkins, buckets, or treat bags being carried by children and wondering why, it’s a sign that the child may be on the Autism Spectrum, have special needs, or be non-verbal.

Blue Pumpkin BucketBoth blue and teal are colors that represent special needs.

Halloween is an exciting time of the year for many children and even some adults. However, the bright colors and lights, spooky decorations and costumes, children running around, and loud noises can be quite the opposite for others.

Halloween can be a completely overwhelming experience for some children, starting from the first step of the process, putting on the costume.

If you notice a child at your doorstep who doesn’t communicate, is apprehensive, or is struggling to make eye contact, be aware that this child may have special needs or be on the Autism Spectrum. Rather than carrying the traditional orange pumpkin or bucket, they could be carrying a blue or teal treat bucket or container instead.

You may have a child that comes to your door with a blue bucket that they cannot do anything but stand there,” said Betsy Berman, co-founder of the Autism Resource Foundation in Huntsville. The Blue or Teal Pumpkin Project was an initiative started to help people recognize those on the Autism Spectrum or those with special needs who may come to their door while trick or treating during Halloween and have non-verbal communication skills.

I think that it’s important for kids to be able to participate in any way that they can. You’re going to find kids that are on the autism spectrum on both ends of the spectrum. Some that are very verbal and will totally understand that a blue bucket will stand out from the typical orange bucket and will want to be included with typical kids with the orange bucket,” Berman said.

Since the project began in 2018, the main goal has been to allow people with autism and special needs to participate in Halloween events and to promote inclusiveness amongst the community.

Check out our article on 10 Tips for Preparing Kids with Autism for Halloween!

Hopefully, doing this and talking more will get the community out there understanding and aware that there are kids with differences, and please treat them as you would anyone else, Berman said in an interview with News19.

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