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Gender, Sexuality, and Autism

SPECIAL DAY and TIME: 6 p.m. Eastern time (US), Monday, June 3, 2024

ARI board member Dr. Wenn Lawson discusses sexuality, gender and autism.

Gender, Sexuality and Autism


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The speaker:

Dr. Lawson is a member of the Australian Autism Research Council, the Australian Association of Social Work (AASW), and the Australian Psychological Society (MAPs), a board member of LifeScience Global, and sits on the editorial boards of Autism in Adulthood Journal and the Journal of Intellectual Disability-Diagnosis and Treatment. In addition, Dr. Lawson serves as an ambassador for I CAN Australia and is a member of Autism CRC, Australia. The British Psychological Society (AFBPsS) has appointed Dr. Lawson associate fellow. In the US, Dr. Lawson serves as a member of the Advisory Board Member of the US Autism Association.
Learn more about Dr. Lawson


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