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How DAV relies on member engagement

No one of us is stronger than all of us. That long-standing adage perfectly encompasses our dedicated members, and the impact of your engagement within our ranks cannot be overstated. It is felt throughout the halls of Congress and is reflected in the benefits and health care you’ve rightfully earned.

A membership of more than 1 million veterans bolsters our political power in Washington. That figure alone demands a seat at the decision-making table. But as crucial as that milestone is, there is simply no replacement for DAV members leaning in to influence their elected officials on key issues affecting ill and injured veterans.

And that’s never been easier than it is with DAV CAN (Commander’s Action Network).

Advocating and pushing your members of Congress to act on DAV’s critical policy goals can be done from the comfort of your own home and is as easy as a few clicks. Last year, members and supporters sent out more than 650,000 email alerts to Congress through DAV CAN, urging members to enact meaningful and impactful legislation to improve the lives of service-disabled veterans, their families and their survivors. That is a record high due solely to your devotion to your fellow veterans.

Rest assured that when those messages reach congressional offices, they garner the attention of officials who set and decide veterans policies and benefits.

That support comes at no cost to you, and its impact is invaluable. We rely on our committed members and supporters to stay informed and active, and DAV CAN is just one way of making your voice heard.

We also depend on our members to discuss, debate and approve organizational resolutions you hope to turn into federal law, regulations and policies of the Department of Veterans Affairs. Those resolutions make up our legislative program, determine our critical policy goals for the year ahead and set the stage for our annual mid-winter conference in Washington. In just a few weeks, DAV members will have the opportunity to directly meet with and influence their elected officials and staff—sharing personal stories of service, sacrifice and dedication.

Now more than ever, our grassroots efforts are needed to push Congress to address key issues impacting the lives of the men and women who served and their caregivers and survivors. As we enter the second session of the 118th Congress, there are new opportunities for improving the lives of those who have sacrificed so much for us all, but we will need to work collectively to accomplish our goals.

As we move forward, remember the power of unity and the strength of many. You can make a difference by joining DAV CAN and encouraging friends, family and other supporters to do the same. It’s simple; find out how at

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