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Navigating the Special Education System

Back-to-school season brings the excitement of new beginnings. For parents who have a child entering special education or whose child is starting a new year in special education, it can be stressful as well as exciting. Many teachers, administrators, and school support staff lack the background and training to meet the unique needs of autistic students. It often falls to parents to make sure that their child’s challenges, whether with social interactions, communication, or behavior, are addressed with research-based interventions within the school setting.

OAR is here to help. Our guide, Navigating the Special Education System, gives parents the information and tools needed to successfully navigate the education system anywhere in the country. More specifically, it offers: 

  • Background on special education in the United States  
  • An understanding of the laws and regulations about special education  
  • An overview of the timeline of services  
  • A detailed explanation of Individualized Education Programs (IEPs)  
  • Tips and techniques for being an effective advocate for your child 
  • Sources and links that will help you identify specific state resources and find more in-depth information  
  • Lists and definitions of terms that are frequently used in school systems 

Download a PDF version of this guide or order up to two free paperback copies. 

The post Navigating the Special Education System first appeared on Organization for Autism Research.