1 pm Eastern time, Wednesday, January 8, 2025
Join us for a sibling perspective as Mojdeh Mostafavi, MD shares her journey as a legal guardian, caregiver, and advocate for a loved one with profound autism, offering invaluable insights and personal experiences.
Perspective: Adult Sibling with Profound ASD
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The speaker:
Mojdeh Mostafavi, MD is a dual-trained internist and pediatrician currently pursuing a pediatric fellowship in gastroenterology at Mass General Hospital for Children. With a profound personal connection to autism through her brother, Dr. Mostafavi’s dedication to advancing autism care is driven by her commitment to equitable healthcare and her expertise in integrating behavioral theory. Her passion lies in providing care across the lifespan, reflecting her belief in how today’s actions shape future experiences. Her work exemplifies a deep commitment to enhancing access and quality of care for all individuals, particularly those affected by autism.
Gender, Sexuality, and Autism
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LGBTQIA+ and Autism
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Symptoms are similar in young boys, girls with ASD
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Gender Dysphoria and ASD
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Wenn Lawson, Ph.D., discusses gender dysphoria (GD) and how it shapes the lives of many individuals with autism. He outlines a single-minded focus concerning social and cultural constructs of gender identity and
The post Perspective: Adult sibling with profound ASD appeared first on Autism Research Institute.
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