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Sex Education Guide Created for Autistic Young People

Comprehensive sexual education is key to acquiring the necessary knowledge and skills for developing healthy relationships, good sexual health, and safety. However, it is often a daunting topic that contains nuanced questions on sensitive issues. Paired with hidden social cues and the complexities of modern-day dating, young autistic people can often find themselves struggling.

OAR’s online sexuality education resource, Sex Ed. for Self-Advocates, helps autistic teens and young adults better understand these important issues, with information presented in a clear and understandable format. This online guide is specific to the needs of autistic people and offers accessible information about key topics, including healthy relationships, dating, and consent.

Users will find articles and brief videos in each section before testing their knowledge and practicing new skills through interactive modules. The resource contains nine sections, each building on information from preceding sections within the guide. Each section, also found in audio, is focused on a key topic in sexuality and sex education.

Users can focus on sections they are interested in or navigate through the guide from beginning to end. While the guide was written for self-advocates ages 15 and up, it contains tips and lists of additional helpful resources for the parents and educators of young people on the spectrum.

If you have any questions or feedback about OAR’s Sex Ed. for Self-Advocates, please contact OAR at

The post Sex Education Guide Created for Autistic Young People first appeared on Organization for Autism Research.