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Share your thoughts on autism research with the IACC!

Submitting public comments is an important way for self-advocates to make our needs and priorities known when it comes to public policy. This month, there is an important opportunity to make your thoughts on autism research heard!

Before February 14, 2024 submit your public comments to the Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee (IACC) about autism research. This round of comments is specifically about priorities related to physical and mental health conditions that commonly co-occur with autism. You could share your thoughts about what kind of research is needed on conditions that commonly co-occur with autism, like Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS), depression, ADHD, and many more. Your comments will help the IACC know which research topics are most important to the autistic community! 

The IACC makes recommendations about where federal funds for autism research should go and what subjects should be prioritized. The IACC meets several times each year to discuss where these funds should go and how much money different research subjects should get. Research priorities should reflect what the autistic community needs — and before each IACC meeting, we have the opportunity to tell the government what research should be prioritized, and where the gaps in funding are.

The IACC’s next meeting is January 24, 2024. Public comments are open until February 14, 2024.

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