Free webinar at 1 p.m. Eastern time (US), Wednesday, September 25, 2024
Supporting Positive Psychiatry in the Autism Community
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About the speaker:
Patricia Wright, PhD, MPH, is Executive Director of Proof Positive: Autism Wellbeing Alliance. She holds a Ph.D. and Master of Public Health from the University of Hawaii. Her research focuses on the delivery of evidence-based interventions in community-based settings and healthcare access for people with disabilities. Patricia worked on the design and transformation of a statewide system of support for children with autism for the state of Hawaii, and she also served in leadership roles for NEXT for AUTISM and as the National Director of Autism Services for Easterseals. Additionally, Patricia has held advisory roles for a number of professional associations and advocacy groups, including the Organization for Autism Research’s Scientific Council, the Executive Committee for the Friends of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Board of Directors for the Association of Professional Behavior Analysts and the Autism Society Panel of Professional Advisors. Patricia has advised and provided expert testimony at Congressional Hearings. She is also a frequent contributor in the media, raising awareness of early identification and developmental milestones and deepening the public’s understanding of disability equity, inclusion and access.
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The post Supporting Positive Psychiatry appeared first on Autism Research Institute.
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