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Through His Eyes: The Colors and Sounds of Autism

Take my hand and follow me,
Let me show you exactly what I see.
The colors all around me are beautiful and white,
It’s a blessing and a curse to see light this bright.

The background noise that you instantly ignore
Screams inside my head the second you open the door.
There is no mute or volume down,
It’s a never-ending fight of swim or drown.

Food can be scary if it is any color but beige,
It’s a sensory issue that can’t simply be fixed with age.
It’s hard for me to understand when I have eaten enough,
My tummy doesn’t tell me, so I find it really tough.

Spinning in circles is something that I love to do,
Upside down gives me the best kind of view.
Looking into a mirror always puts a smile on my face,
I like the way it copies me as I dance within its space.

Sleeping is something my body constantly fights,
There are many long, sleepless nights.
Tiredness comes easy, but my mind is still busy;
It moves so fast I often get dizzy.

I can feel a meltdown deep within my soul;
It’s a feeling like no other, a complete loss of control.
On the days I cannot cope, my mummies hold me close,
It’s in those moments I feel their love the most.

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