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Why Are TBI and PTSD Often Rated Together?

It is no secret that Veterans who selflessly serve their country might come home with injuries – both physical and psychological. Veterans often bear the weight of war for years to come, if not for the rest of their lives. Two of the more prevalent, long-lasting injuries you might suffer from are traumatic brain injuries (TBI) and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). TBIs occur when a sudden trauma causes damage to the brain, such as a blast-related concussion. In contrast, PTSD is a psychiatric disorder that can occur in people who have experienced or witnessed a traumatic event. Despite their differences, though, TBI and PTSD are frequently rated together when Veterans apply for disability benefits.

Why Are They Linked?

TBI and PTSD are often linked, simply because many of the symptoms that appear as the result of a brain injury also overlap with some of the most common reactions occurring after traumatic events. Both TBI and PTSD share some of the same non-specific physical symptoms such as difficulty concentrating, sleeping problems, irritability, anxiety, and general sadness.

Moreover, TBI and PTSD both lack objective tests and are largely diagnosed based on patients’ self-reported symptoms, which again makes it difficult to distinguish between the two.

What Is the Difference Between TBI and PTSD?

While TBI and PTSD undoubtedly share many of the same symptoms, they also have key differences that set them apart. Some of their most notable differences are as follows:

  • Brain injury symptoms are more prominent directly after a definable injury and gradually lessen in severity over time, oftentimes leading to a full recovery. On the other hand, PTSD symptoms can take longer to manifest but remain stable, or even worsen, as time goes on.
  • Someone with PTSD typically remembers their triggering event in vivid detail. A TBI can produce memory gaps surrounding the event that caused the injury.
  • A TBI often causes unpredictable outbursts that can include anger, laughter, and sadness. PTSD tends to result in emotional avoidance or failing to feel any emotion at all.
  • Veterans with post traumatic stress tend to voluntarily isolate themselves, while those with a TBI may feel isolated if loved ones check in less frequently over the course of their therapy and rehabilitation.

Talk to a Veterans Attorneys About Getting a Disability Rating for TBI and PTSD

If you are looking to receive separate ratings for TBI and PTSD, you need to be able to distinguish which of your symptoms are caused by each condition.

At Jan Dils Attorneys at Law, we know just how difficult it can be to receive the benefits you earned by serving America. We help Veterans around the country get those benefits. To ensure you can access the services you need, and the care you deserve, we offer our services at a contingency, meaning we only take a fee if we obtain a successful outcome for you. If we do not recover for you, you owe us absolutely nothing. To get started on receiving the care you deserve, call us and schedule a free evaluation.

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